
Expanding Access to All Creators with Poieto Learn.

poietoworks is Poieto’s social impact arm focused on increasing access to all creators with Poieto Learn. poietoworks works to break down barriers to access in underserved communities by providing hardware, software, teacher training, and computer literacy programs.  

Our History

poietoworks emerged from Poieto workshops in the summer of 2022. These workshops were held at Inner-City Arts with GAP and Larchmont Charter School. Demand for this type of event and instruction demonstrated both a need and a strong interest in accessible creative tech education (or STEAM education) in Los Angeles schools. Poieto wanted to serve this need sustainably while pursuing the development of digital education and a creative tech design tool. poietoworks has since served upwards of 1500 students and has creative education programs in five schools in LA county.

Through art project-based learning and instruction, our STEAM curriculum gives students access to new creative tools, fosters interest in the creative potential of emerging technologies, and cultivates intention and social responsibility in the use of everyday technologies. Through our in-school and after-school programming, our workshops, and our toolkits, students learn fundamental coding concepts and systems-level thinking, all while having fun and making art reflective of their identities and communities.

Our approach to STEAM education emphasizes sensory experience and creative engagement to further feelings of belonging in tech spaces, and make technology more accessible for all. Our reach continues to grow everyday and as does our desire to continue providing students with a more ethical and creative approach to tech education.

What We Do 

  • Provide infrastructure and materials needed to expand accessibility to art-tech education in underserved communities.

  • Create collaborative, project-based classes and workshops to empower the youth in communities to build better tech.

  • Expand access in communities where digital education is inaccessible.

  • Prioritize the insights and wisdom of local subject matter experts, accomplished artists, respected community leaders, and a multitude of diverse perspectives that are frequently marginalized or overlooked within technology.

poietoworks nutures the spirit of creativity in the students we serve. Every time a student is in awe of their projects with poietoworks this reaffirms our belief in our impact. We are helping students see themselves as artists and begin to realize that their stories and their points of view belong even in the complicated world of tech. They are welcome, they are amazing and they belong.

Ural Garrett

“As someone who grew up in LA county, I for sure wished that I had Poietoworks growing up. The organization does the best it can to ensure today's youth understand their potential as future leaders in technology.”